Thu 7 – Sat 9 Feb 2019 NZDT
Te Papaiouru Marae, Mataiawhea Street, Ohinemutu, Rotorua 3010, New Zealand Map
Whakawhiti o te rā. Whakaāio whenua.
Someone who brings peace to the situation.
Someone who takes away the adversity and brings light to the situation.
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā iwi taketake puta noa i te ao whanui.
Nau mai haere mai ki te rohe o Te Arawa, ki te moana a Te Rotoruanui-a-Kahumatamomoe.
Ki te hui tuatahi Arotakenga Iwi-taketake 2019. Nau mai whakatau mai ra!
We acknowledge the footsteps of those we are walking in, those who have gone before and paved the way, established relationships and opened doors within the many realms that evaluation exists. In recent years Maori evaluators have come together and mobilised to support Iwi/Maori evaluators and Iwi/Maori evaluation to progress the development of our people.
Underpinning our Association and reflected in our name, is our whakatauki (proverb) –
Mā te rae ka rangatira ai, which guides us to:
Look deep, far and wide
With clarity and a critical consciousness
Grounded in our Māori world
Seeing with our eyes, our mind, body and spirit
And it is this traditional wisdom that provides the overarching kaupapa (platform) for our conference.
How does your practice as an indigenous evaluator serve the dreams and aspirations of our indigenous communities?
How can we collectively support the growth and acknowledgement of indigenous
evaluative theory and practice into the future?
We extend an invitation to engage with indigenous evaluators and communities
across Aotearoa and the world to the first Indigenous evaluation conference
held in Rotorua, Aotearoa New Zealand
Through the conference it is our vision to connect, share and
move forward together, affirming and celebrating our indigenous ways
of knowing and being, to self-determine and lead our futures.
Hosted by Mā te Rae Conference Committee - Roxanne Smith, Kataraina Pipi, Nan Wehipeihana, Fiona Cram, Debbie Goodwin, Louise Were, Laurie Porima and Maxine Graham
Ma te Rae ka rangatira ai
Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Evaluation
Te Papaiouru Marae, Mataiawhea Street, Ohinemutu, Rotorua, New Zealand (Aotearoa)
7 – 9th February 2018.
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